(Linux) Very small tips of less command

Let me write small tips of less...
So far, I have used less only to read the contents of a file, and never tried to master its useful commands. Today I was required to check the large log files and my colleague taught me some techniques of less.
Here is the note of it:

  • To find some text in a file
    --> / + "text to search"

Yes I knew it since before, but today I learned that

  • if you want to see the next result
    --> type "n"
  • if you want to see the previous one
    --> type "shift + n" (i.e type N)

Additionally, let me mention the following two:

  • to jump to the speific line
    --> "Line number" + g (ex. 334g --> jump to Line 334)
  • to show the line number
    --> type "-N" (you also can set the arguments like "less -N {file}")

I think there are much more commands for less.
But only by using these command you can check the file much more quickly.

なんか無性に英語で文章を書きたいなと思ったけど, 想像以上にかけなかった...
I need to train English again...first...think more in English...only think in English...